It’s day 134,597 of January 2024…I believe they call it Blue Monday.
On days like these, my creativity can take a bit of a hit.
I can muster just enough motivation to complete any work that may be due that day, but I certainly don’t have any inspiration left for my own writing.
As today is one of those days, I thought I’d keep it simple with a big old list of the things that bring me joy in this world.
Maybe they will bring you joy too:
Popping the top on a new jar of coffee
Seeing a rainbow (despite being 31 years old)
A surprise bunch of flowers - especially the first bunch of daffodils of the season
Getting into pyjama trousers and a big cosy jumper after a busy day
Red wine (rioja or Merlot… if you ever want to buy me a bottle)
Coffee first thing in the morning
My husband's smile
A catch-up with old friends
Walking barefoot on the beach
Getting creative in any capacity
Decluttering and organising the house
A fresh set of nails
Smiling like an idiot at a passing dog like it knows who I am and what I’m doing
My dog
People talking to me about my dog
Dogs in general
A late-night trip to the supermarket - I know, how very cool
A crisp new notepad
A dip in the sea on a calm, hot summer’s day
Easter eggs when it’s not Easter
A walk pretty much anywhere at sunrise or sunset
Trying out new recipes
Laughing with my husband at anything
Buying new houseplants
Ticking everything off my to-do list
Fresh, clean bedsheets
A massive bowl of pasta
An ice-cold can of Rio light
A smile from a stranger
Positive feedback from a client
Stand up comedy
Rewatching my favourite shows for the 150th time (and I don’t think that’s an exaggeration at this point)
Posting on this blog!
Sure, this may not be my masterpiece.
It may not be the work of the next Dickens, Austen or King, but thinking about these wonderful things today brought me joy and I hope that they can do the same for you.